Monday, April 23, 2007

Visit of Lord and Lady Parkinson 21 April 07

The visit of Lord and Lady Parkinson to our Branch was an outstanding success. Prior to the lunch on the 21 April, the committee had the opportunity to brief Lord Cecil on the history of the Branch, and to outline matters which affect UK expatriates here in Spain. He was most interested, and promised to do what he could to ensure that some of the points were raised in Party discussions.

The lunch, which was held at Restaurante Pepes in Alcalali, was most enjoyable. 80 members and guests attended, and the Branch obtained 14 new members from the event. Lord Cecil addressed the Branch, and urged all members to support the Party efforts to move forward to win the next election, whenever that might be. He assured us that under David Cameron's leadership the Party was in good hands, and that the team behind David was strong and very competent. He also told several amusing anecdotes. One so amused one of our members that we were worried he might not survive the lunch, he was laughing so heartily.

The Branch presented Lady Parkinson a napkin ring holder and 6 napkin rings which was made by Derek Giddons. The rings and the holder were made from different hard woods and turned by Derek on his lathe. Lady Ann and Lord Cecil seemed delighted with the presentation, and I understand that their grandchildren will be using them on a regular basis!!

All in all a great day for the branch, and many thanks to Lord and Lady Parkinson for their company and their help in boosting our morale.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

AGM Feb 2007

This years AGM was a successful event which was held at Pepes in Alcalali. One decision taken was that in future all guests would be charged a premium of € 2 for each event they attend. The meeting felt that it was unfair for members to pay subscriptions, but guests who paid no subs. might attend several functions at the same charge as members.

Sadly we said goodbye to John Deacon, Eunice Stanford and Veronica VOkes from the committee. John Deacon as the the ex.Chairman has contributed greatly over the years to the Branch. Three new members were voted onto the committee-Derek and Anita Giddons and John Tucker. We are sure they will contribute greatly to the life of the Branch.

The AGM passed all audited accounts and the meeting was, to everyones relief quickly over. The lunch was enjoyed by all.